Vabilo na predavanja študentov in ogled dokumentarnega filma

Vljudno vas vabimo na predavanja v okviru Geomorfološkega društva Slovenije, ki bodo v torek, 18. decembra 2018 ob 17.00 uri v dvorani Zemljepisnega muzeja GIAM ZRC SAZU, Gosposka 16, Ljubljana.

Svoje študijske raziskave bodo predstavili predstavniki več slovenskih

  • S. Stefanovski; Raziskave kopastega krasa v Sloveniji, Oddelek za geografijo, Filozofska fakulteta UL,
  • K. Žagar; Geomorfološko kartiranje kvartarnih pobočnih sedimentov na območju Oseka v Vipavski dolini, Oddelek za geologijo, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta UL,
  • M. Kostevc; Ocena ogroženosti naselja Belca pred drobirskim tokom, Oddelek za gozdarstvo, Biotehniška fakulteta UL.

Ob 18.15 uri pa bomo predvajali še dokumentarni film Blue Heart (, ki obravnava ogroženost rek na Balkanu z vidika načrtov gradnje hidroelektrarn.

Kratki povzetki predavanj
Sašo Stefanovski, univ. dipl. geograf – Raziskave kopastega krasa v Sloveniji
Predstavljeni bodo rezultati raziskave kopastega krasa na štirih območjih s pomočjo DMVja in programskega orodja ArcMap. Izdelan je bil algoritem za zaznavanje kopastih vrhov in njihovih skupnnih baz. Nato so bile oblike klasificirane, kjer je bil cilj prav tako avtomatizacija postopka. Oblikam so bila dodeljena poljubna imena. Oblike so bile nato morfometricno analizirane, na terenu se je preverilo tudi ali se kopasti vrhovi pojavljajo na dolomitu, saj to v literaturi ni bilo omenjeno.

Kevin Žagar, dipl. inž. geologije – Geomorfološko kartiranje kvartarnih pobočnih sedimentov na območju Oseka v Vipavski dolini
V okviru diplomskega dela je bilo izvedeno geomorfološko kartiranje širše okolice vasi Osek, v Vipavski dolini. Pobočja severnega roba Vipavske doline so v veliki meri pokrita s kvartarnimi sedimenti, ki se
vključujejo v procese pobočnih premikanj in lahko tvorijo velike gravitacijske bloke. Ti bloki so morfološko zelo izraženi, z njihovim preučevanjem pa vedno bolje razumemo, kako so te geomorfološke oblike sploh nastale. Glavno temo diplomske naloge predstavlja analiza enega teh blokov.

Miha Kostevc, dipl. inž. gozdarstva – Ocena ogroženosti naselja Belca pred drobirskim tokom
Raziskava je bila izvedena na območju naselja Belca na Gorenjskem. Terensko delo je zajemalo snemanje (posnetki RGB) območja skalnega podora z uporabo brezpilotnega letalnika. V programu Pix4D Mapper je bil
izdelan oblak točk ter pravi ortofoto posnetek (TOF), v programu ArcMAP pa digitalni model reliefa (DMR). Na območju proženja je bila na podlagi posnetkov RGB ter TOF in DMR ocenjena potencialna količina podornega
gradiva (118.000 m3), ki se lahko še sprosti. Od tega, se lahko glede na rezultate modela r.avaflow v strugi hudournika Belca ob potencialnem podoru odloži 116.000 m3 podornega gradiva. Ta količina je bila v
nadaljevanju uporabljena kot vhodni podatek za izvedbo modeliranja drobirskega toka (r.avaflow). Pri modeliranju je bilo preverjenih 10 različnih scenarijev drobirskega toka (glede na volumsko koncentracijo
drobirja v toku in glede na količino sproženega gradiva). Rezultati kažejo, da obstaja možnost nadaljnjega proženja skalnega gradiva ter možnost nastanka drobirskega toka, ki lahko ogrozi naselje Belca.

Natural hazards in France: coping strategies in flood risk management

Vabljeni na predavanje z naslovom Natural hazards in France: coping strategies in flood risk management, ki bo v ponedeljek, 20. avgusta 2018 ob 10.00 uri v dvorani Zemljepisnega muzeja GIAM ZRC SAZU, Gosposka 16, Ljubljana.

Predavala bo Jennifer Deriaz, ESAIP Engineering School, Angers, Francija.

Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku (povzetek):
The objective of this talk is to give a global overview of the main natural hazards existing on the French territory. With a special focus on floods, it will describe some of the attempts to prevent these natural events from turning into disasters, through legislation, urban planning, increased public awareness and scientific research. The example of “épisodes cévenols”, violent and localized storms usually causing floods, will be used to illustrate the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean region of France.

Predavanje organizira Geomorfološko društvo Slovenije v sodelovanju z Geografskim inštitutom Antona Melika ZRC SAZU.

Tufa deposits sheltered by inland notches as indicators of Quaternary denudation rates

Vabljeni na predavanje z naslovom Tufa deposits sheltered by inland notches as indicators of Quaternary denudation rates, ki bo v četrtek, 31 maja 2018 ob 17.00 uri v dvorani Zemljepisnega muzeja GIAM ZRC SAZU, Gosposka 16, Ljubljana.

Predavala bo dr. Nurit Shtober-Zisu z Univerze v Haifi, Izrael.

Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku (povzetek):
Inland notches are elongated concave-shape indentations that develop on the carbonate rocky cliffs of mountainous zones, down to the desert fringe. These unique features formed as a result of the interaction between specific lithological and climatic controls, emphasizing the importance of environment upon rock decay. The vast majority (71%) of inland notches in Israel are formed in hard, dense, and crystalline limestone deposited throughout the Turonian age. Another 27% are cut into the dolomitic sequence of the upper Albian and lower Cenomanian. The rest (2%) are dispersed in the various formations of the Cenomanian and Eocene eras. Inland notches form because of slight differences (1%–15%) in the porosity of the visor and cavity bed: the cavity bed is more porous, so more likely to erode by exfoliation and dissolution. Thus, the cavity bed retreats at a faster rate compared to the slower subaerial dissolution of the visor bed, until a critical point is reached where the visor collapses. In Israel, inland notches inhabit the same lithostratigraphic units as do large caves.

Notches are most common in semi-arid and in Mediterranean climates but mainly in areas with annual rainfall of between 400 mm and 850 mm. In more humid areas (> 900 mm/y) notches are negligible or completely absent, due to the rapid rate of chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks. In the desert fringe (200–300 mm/y), mechanical decay is accelerated and notches exhibit disintegration processes, visor collapse, and rock falls. In the desert area (< 200 mm/y), salt decay replaces the chemical decay, encouraging tafoni formation. In the Mediterranean zone, tufa stalactites and stalagmites occasionally grow within the cavity of the notch. In extremely rare cases they merge into columns, detached from the back wall. The tufa fill, both along the back wall of the notch and in detached stalagmites, is more typical of notches located on north-aspect slopes, which are characterized by a more hydric environment – that is colder, more humid and with a more stable microclimate. The Carmel tufa deposits that grew under the notches visors and on the cavity back-wall were dated by U-Th chronology at the Geological Survey of Israel using ion exchange column chemistry and MC-ICP-MS techniques. The ages were corrected for initial 230Th by using crustal average 232Th/238U atomic ratio of 4.2. In each notch the oldest tufa layer was dated giving the minimum age of the surface formation. Six layers from four tufa samples were dated giving ages spanning from 13,636 ± 834 ky to 37,562 ± 2,397 ky, implying that these notches were formed during the last glacial period, or during the last deglaciation.

Predavanje organizira Geomorfološko društvo Slovenije v sodelovanju z Geografskim inštitutom Antona Melika ZRC SAZU. 

Občni zbor GMDS

Spoštovane in spoštovani,

vabljeni na redni letni občni zbor Geomorfološkega društva Slovenije, ki bo v ponedeljek, 12. 3. 2018 ob 17.00 uri v Dvorani Zemljepisnega muzeja GIAM ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 16, Ljubljana.

Občni zbor bo potekal po sledečem dnevnem redu:

  1. Izvolitev delovnega predsedstva in sprejem dnevnega reda
  2. Poročilo predsednice o delu društva v letu 2017
  3. Finančno poročilo blagajničarke za leto 2017
  4. Poročili nadzornega odbora in disciplinskega razsodišča
  5. Razprava o poročilih in njihova potrditev
  6. Program dela za leto 2018
  7. Finančni načrt za leto 2018
  8. Razno

Po zaključku občnega zbora, predvidoma okoli 18.00 ure, bo sledilo predavanje dr. Uroša Stepišnika o geodiverziteti.

V okviru predavanja nas bo predavatelj seznanil s konceptom geodiverzitete in njenega vrednotenja. Predstavljeni bodo sodobni pristopi vrednotenja geodiverzitete v Sloveniji in po svetu. Ovrednotena bo vloga geomorfologov pri nadaljnjem razvoju koncepta vrednotenja nežive narave.

Vljudno vabljeni.

Monitoring of alpine natural hazards by means of UAV´s

V sodelovanju z Geografskim inštitutom Antona Melika ZRC SAZU in Komisijo za uporabo geografskih informacijskih sistemov pri varovanju okolja ZGS (SCGIS Slovenia) smo 22. decembra 2017 organizirali predavanje z naslovom Monitoring of alpine natural hazards by means of UAV´s – case studies from Austria. Avtorji predavanja so bili Wolfgang Sulzer, Gernot Seier (Institute for Geography and Regional Sciences, University Of Graz, Graz, Austria) in Viktor Kaufmann (Institute for Geodesy, Graz University of Technologies, Graz, Austria). Predaval je Wolfgang Sulzer.

Povzetek predavanja (v angleškem jeziku):
UAVs are unmanned and largely autonomously operating aircrafts, which can usually be equipped with imaging systems (video, camera) or other sensors. In recent years, they have increasingly been used for geoscientific issues. Within the framework of the NAWI GRAZ (Natural Sciences Graz) cooperation the Institute for Geography and Regional Sciences (University of Graz) and the Institute for Geodesy (Graz University of Technology) investigate the question of how UAVs can be used to map and quantify changes in the earth’s surface as a meaningful supplement or alternative to conventional research methods. Especially in hard-to-reach alpine areas or in areas that are at risk due to ongoing active processes, such systems offer the possibility of providing high-quality geodata without putting people at risk. 

In this presentation, the authors document the use of UAVs in the field of recognizing and detection of alpine natural hazards on the basis of current projects. For example, following the floods in 2011 and 2017 in the area around the town Oberwölz (Upper Styria), the collection and quantification of increasing fluvial morphological processes (especially sediment load) are in the focus of interest. In the limestone alpine area, the technically similar study for the determination of sediment dynamics in a channel with episodic water flow and high morphodynamics (Langgriesgraben, National Park Gesäuse) is presented. At the Lärchberg / Galgenwald near Murau (Upper Styria) UAV aerial surveys are used to observe and analyze an active landslide area. Finally, the glacier dynamics, in particular the ice breakup at the glacier tongue of the “touristic” Pasterze glacier (National Park Hohe Tauern) will be presented.

In all studies, the challenges of the high alpine environment and the accuracy estimation of the research results are compared with other detection methods, such as ALS or TLS or simply field work. In addition, there are restrictions on accessibility, regulatory (legal) requirements (e.g. UAV law), technical limits or difficult weather conditions (wind, low temperatures, snow, etc.).

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Predavanje je organiziral:
Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU v sodelovanju z
Geomorfološkim društvom Slovenije ter
Komisijo za uporabo geografskih informacijskih sistemov pri varovanju okolja ZGS.