“Landscape pattern and runoff reduction in hilly regions used by agriculture” in “Soil erosion measurements; in situ examinations” (predavanji)

24 april, 2019 @ 18:30 – 20:00

Predavanje 1: Landscape pattern and runoff reduction in hilly regions used by agriculture (Pokrajinska struktura in zmanjševanje površinskega odtoka z gričevnatih kmetijskih pokrajin)

Predavanje 2: Soil erosion measurements; in situ examinations (In situ meritve erozije prsti)


Predavatelja: dr. Dénes Lóczy in Gábor Nagy, Inštitut za geografijo in zemeljske znanosti, Fakulteta za znanost, Univerza v Pečuhu, Madžarska

Datum: 24. april 2019 ob 18.30

Lokacija: Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja GIAM ZRC SAZU (Gosposka 16, Ljubljana)


Kratek oris predavanj

Predavanje 1

Landscape pattern and land use are both influential in the retention of runoff and prevention of erosion damage. Compared to engineering solutions (e.g. dams) the exploitation of opportunities offered by the traditional landscape pattern are less expensive and more environment friendly. Increasing the water storage capacity of soils and water retention by minor landscape elements (terraces, berms, ditches, hedgerows etc.) also promote runoff reduction. The mapping of traditional landscape elements in the hilly regions of Southern Transdanubia (Hungary) and the monitoring of soil moisture conditions in their environs are instrumental in the design of optimal water retention and prevention of excessive runoff. The findings of research can be utilised in the planning of the restoration of traditional landscape pattern and farming practices.

Predavanje 2

About 80% of precipitation infiltrate and only 20% present surface runoff. However, rate of the runoff depends on quantity and intensity of daily precipitations. Potentially the wettest places, where precipitation accumulates in the ground, principally depend on geomorphic features. These places are also a location of the nutrient and contamination enrichment and accumulation. The lack of soil erosion data from the field is a major factor hindering our ability to predict soil erosion in a watershed. Therefore, the in situ examinations and monitoring of changes are irreplaceable to the base of conditions, which help to determine main factors, processes, and boundary conditions.

Pri raziskavah sodeluje Bernadett Markovics, članica doktorskega programa na Inštitutu za geografijo in zemeljske znanosti, Fakultete za znanost, Univerze v Pečuhu na Madžarskem.


Predavanji organizirata Geomorfološko društvo Slovenije v sodelovanju z Geografskim inštitutom Antona Melika ZRC SAZU.