Vljudno vas vabimo na predavanje dr. Renata R. Coluccija (Department of Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technology – CNR, Trst) z naslovom
»Mountain Permafrost in Friuli Venezia Giulia; past and present evidence«
Predavanje bo v torek, 10. 12. 2013, ob 17.00, v dvorani Zemljepisnega muzeja Geografskega inštituta Antona Melika ZRC SAZU, Gosposka 16, Ljubljana.
Global climatic change highlights the importance of research on permafrost in high mountain geosystem. Due to sensitivity to changes of climatic forces controlling the permafrost distribution, special interest is given to past and present permafrost conditions and their role in landform evolution. This inventory, that collects rock glaciers (RG) and protalus ramparts (PR) of Friuli Venezia Giulia, was realized using high resolution aerial images in order to support the digital mapping. Thanks to the recent and ongoing developments in earth observation techniques and related geoinformatics, it is possible to produce maps that give accurate representations of terrains allowing the calculation of geometry and spatial attributes with great detail, which is essential for these kind of applications.